Friday, March 10, 2006

Managing Editor of San Antonio Paper Against Marlins Coming to Town

"Surely the citys hierarchy of leadership realizes that this town isnt supporting minor league baseball so why would they even assume that there is enough sponsorship, err disposable income, to support the Marlins?...

"What San Antonio doesnt have in their whole equation are two things: land for a stadium and more importantly, a team. What is also very apparent is the fact that there are not many places to put a baseball stadium that meets MLB specifications in this city either...

"I dont think there is room in this one horse town for a thoroughbred and a mule; especially a $206 million mule that may cost as much as $700 million to stay on the farm. Questions need to be asked folks as to whether your pocketbook can handle another sports team here. From this vantage point, Major League Baseball in this town could be a giant size disaster." (

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