Friday, November 25, 2005

John Brattain Exposes Marlins' and Loria's History and Financials...

...and concludes that "this isn't about the viability of the franchise; this is about padding profits (yes, profits) and making Loria a lot more wealthy without him having to actually work for it.

"Loria has two choices: One, rebuild the fan base remembering that the damage has been done over the course of years and it's going to take an investment of money and time (read: years) to reverse it. Or as option two, he can throw a temper tantrum, blame the consumer and try to find a region that's willing to make him a lot more wealthy.

"Guess which choice he has made? He's told South Florida to go to hell and is whoring himself out to any region willing to whip out the public teat and allow him to nurse until he's gorged. He's said this is his intention repeatedly since 2004.

"And he wonders why folks still stay away? He's shown no loyalty to South Florida. He expects fans to come out regardless of the quality of the team and expects local politicians to place a higher priority on fattening his wallet than providing hurricane relief. And if all that happens, then he'll pledge fealty to the region.

"His approach is about as subtle as a double-fisted schoolyard salute." (HardballTimes)

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