Saturday, May 26, 2007


I went to the game last night with my Mets-fan friend. He was wondering why the souvenier booths weren't selling any Mets merchandise, and I said because they were probably sold out, as we were surrounded with hundreds of people wearing all types of Mets gear (he liked the cap with the glowing, flashing 'NY' on the front).

It was the first game I attended in Wayne's World this year. A true Marlins fan doesn't really mind all the Mets fans - until they start chanting, and then we shout them down with all the saved-up road rage we can muster. So if Mets fans want to keep coming to the games and make Huizenga even that much richer, more power to 'em. (Just don't bring any Cubs fans with you.)

SOME_SLOBSERVATIONS: Gee, the concession prices sure took a leap since last year. $3 for a cup of coffee? $4 for a pretzel?

And what's with the 500 or so honorary 'first pitches' before the game? No wonder these games sometimes last until midnight. It's as if every vice prez of every two-bit operation from here to Pahokee is going to be standing out there making sone half-assed toss to Billy or Cody or whoever got the short straw, while we all sit with our cold $7 hot dog waiting for the game to start

The big scoreboard on the new HD screens look great, but it's too bad that they can't find some time in between all those goofy shots of the same 20 or 30 Marlin fans in the stands to give us some stats on the new pitchers coming in to the game.

Besides, who would want their picture on the screen? They stretch every Standard-D shot to fit the width of the HD screen, so that everyone on there looks like they weigh at least 250. Maybe looking at Miguel through the Jumbotron is what's started up all those 'too fat' comments.

Although, I have to admit, the girls in the Jacuzzi were reasonably hot. And, oh yeah, the game was pretty exciting too.

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