Monday, September 20, 2010

Fighting the Dark Forces

Hanley's still out, and now Bonifacio hurt his hammy. Might as well bring up the entire Suns team.

With all the crazy calamities this season, from Coghlan's celebration injury to what happened to Tyler Colvin yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if flaming meteorites come crashing down on the field today.

The Cards flew in all the way from San Diego (WRONG: from St. Louis) to play this game, and they'll be flying to Pittsburgh afterwards. They won 3 out of 4 from the Pads, after also being swept by the Cubs.

It's Chris against Chris today, on this historical day of no-hitters.


BRAD!: Davis hits a grand slam in the 2nd!

UPDATE: After 3.5 innings it's still 4-0 Marlins.

FINAL: It Stays 4-0! Complete Game for Volstad!

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