Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Mumbles

I think this maybe the last unemployment Monday but I'm not sure.

One less thing to note - Penny's going to San Francisco.

The new stadium will be specifically designed for people with exuberant asses.

The real news of the day splits off between Coghlan's and Hanley's accomplishments and the tense importance of this series.

Both the Fish and Braves have 32 games left, both are 3.5 games behind in the WC, and yet according to, the Fish have now only a 5.4 percent hance of making the playoffs; the Braves chances are now 14.4 percent. Those last series must have something to do with it.

Tonight it's Josh and Kenshin on the mound.

Both Florida and Atlanta have lost their last three August 31st games.


UH-MAKIN-IT-INTERESTING: Fish lose 5-1. (OOPS, Sorry, that's 5-2).

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