Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Ballpark Plan

County, MLB and Marlins officials discuss new funding scheme where the Marlins pay a lot less ultimately but pay a lot more up front, and the county puts up less but gets less from the team. Public financing would be reduced from 95 to 70 percent. MLB's lawyers seem concerned - '"I've got a lot of reading to do tonight," said Irwin Raij, an MLB attorney.' Samson 'said for the first time that if a deal can be brokered, the team would play at the Orange Bowl site.' (MiamiHerald)

1 comment:

John Brattain said...

Now the Fish are on the fire. Loria requested he be allowed to drop his contribution $30-40 million and this deal reduces it be $52 million. I laughed at Samson’s remark that they’re not ‘site-specific’ even though Loria said he wanted to reduce his share because of the location.

I hope it works out. As much as I despise public money to be used to subsidize monopoly profits, as much as I loath Jeffrey Loria and David Samson, I really hope you guys have a ‘happily ever after.’ I felt similarly regarding the Twins new park as well. It makes me nauseous to think that folks living from pay check to pay check are giving hundreds of millions of dollars to one of America’s richest men only to see those very folks have to pay higher prices in the park built with their money to see their team play.

It’s damned obscene and then some.

However, I’m glad Twins fans can feel more confident about the future of their team and pray you guys can share the same sense of security. I said this once before regarding somebody else but I will reiterate it here: When Jeffrey Loria and David Samson dies, I am going to their graves to dig up some worms. I will take those worms and go catch some fish. I will take those fish and feed them to my cat. I will take my cat’s litter box and dump it in the corner of my yard.

Three weeks after that, I am going to where I dumped the cat litter and watch the maggots engage in cannibalism.

Keep the faith guys. What goes around comes around and I hope I live to see the day when the Oedipus-Complexing children of unmarried parents born with terminal rectal-cranial inverted phallucranialitis presently known as Loria and Samson learn that karma is indeed akin to a female canine.

Best Regards
