Monday, October 09, 2006

Mad Thot (Volume 1)

By now we've seen enough of Loria and his minion that we can pinpoint at least 2 of the front office's basic operative procedures...

One: Do something that's unbelievable (he got rid of Delgado? AND Beckett?? AND Pierre??? AND so on???? And etcetera????? And ad infinitum?????)

Two: Consider doing something that a fairly large group would think is insanity to do, and then do it anyway (he fired WHO???)

I bring this up to lessen the possible shock that maybe, just maybe, even though 3 competing concepts are now hard at work in South Florida vying to be the new retractable home of the Marlins, that crazy Jeffrey may still pop out of his cave one day soon and announce "Pack up - we're moving to Delaware!!..or Kalamazoo, or Katmandu or wherever..."

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