Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yesterday's Former Marlin/Current Rays Player of the Game: Cliff Floyd

'Batting seventh for the first time this year, the left-handed hitter opened the bottom of the second inning with a walk in a 2-2 game.

'On the first pitch to Gabe Gross, Floyd broke for second and beat the weak throw from Matt Treanor. The 35-year-old continued to third, when the ball skipped into center field.

'"I was just trying to get something going," Floyd said. "My legs were feeling pretty good, because I haven't played in a few of days. Trying to take advantage of a situation you don't get too often."

'It was Floyd's first stolen base since July 14, 2006. Even more astounding, it was his 19th straight without being caught. He had six in 2006 and was successful on 12 straight attempts, after being gunned down April 8, 2005, at Atlanta while with the Mets.

'"I pick my spots," said Floyd...' (HeraldTribune)

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