Monday, February 04, 2008

Braman's Background

Those of us with bad memories are being reminded that Norman Braman, the fighter of what in these parts is now being called the 'Mega-Plan', is not only an old new-car dealer, but was at one time the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles football team.

And it's also being pointed out, in this case through this blog post, that Norman once suggested to the powers that be (or were) in Philly that he be given for free some taxpayer-owned land so that he could build a new stadium for the Eagles.

Braman finally sold the team to a guy named Jeffery Lurie, but that doesn't mean the Marlins' owner's name gives him flashbacks. According to this article, Loria and Braman have been acquainted each other for 35 years. (The plot thickens?)

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