Thursday, January 11, 2007

Gov. Crist 'Favorably Inclined' To New Marlins Stadium

'Gov. Charlie Crist on Wednesday cited the euphoria over the University of Florida's national football championship among the reasons the state should reverse course and help pay for a Florida Marlins baseball stadium.

'"I'm favorably inclined to it," Crist said. "I view it as an economic-development issue.

'"It's not just the players who benefit from having Major League Baseball in the community... People who sell hot dogs benefit. People who do parking benefit. And it's a point of pride for many of our communities, especially if it's a winning team like things are in Gainesville right now."...

'"In all seriousness, I think it's very important we embrace Major League Baseball," Crist said. "When I worked for Sen. Connie Mack, and even afterwards, he appointed me to a commission to try to lure Major League Baseball to our state. We've been very successful. I think we have a continuing obligation to try to nurture that. And I think there is a role for the state government in that regard." (PalmBeachPost)

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